Select what content is included in the What's Happening email
Robert "Bob" Evans
Provide the option for administrators to select what content they'd like to be included in the system-generated What's Happening emails.
I would like to restrict the What's Happening Email to notices, community news, and calendar events. The rest is more than needed and may stop my homeowners from looking at it.
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Evelyn Moist
Can we also include garage sales? I don't see it on the check list.
Meredith Owens
Evelyn Moist: We have a separate feature request open for this! I've made sure your vote was added to that post, so you'll be notified when we update its status.
Wes Cossick
Content can now be included/excluded from your community’s What’s Happening emails to meet your community’s needs:
Ron Seiple
This would be great. We were discussing stopping What's Happening altogether because sometimes the information is duplicate of what we just supplied in an email blast. It will be great to have more control.
Ron Cullum
We don’t use WHATS HAPPENING just because we can’t control content. This change woul allow us to use the features.
Wes Cossick
in progress
Gina Arasin
Great! We need to control the sequence of documents added, news articles, etc., and place them before the calendar events. It would also be great if the calendar events were condensed to take up less space.
Wes Cossick
Gina Arasin: If you're interested in the ability to control the order of content in What's Happening emails, check out this feature request:
Evelyn Moist
Different communities distribute different items that they find helpful. It would just be easier if the Admin's could choose, whether it's news, photos, announcements, or whatever.
Evelyn Moist
Thank you for your consideration!
Wes Cossick
Ken Phillipson
Agreed, having the option to turn items on or off to fit our needs would be a great option.
Ron Seiple
Definitely a good idea. Many times people complain about what is included and also what isn't.
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