Online payment restrictions
Meredith Owens
Give admins the ability to select to whom an online payment option should be available. It should function like page restrictions.
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Dan Pruitt
I am reading through this post, but not seeing a resolution to this problem. Has something been added to the software to resolve this. We continuously run into confusion of payment options still being available even after payments are made. This seems easy to resolve will just having selectable owners or groups for that the payment options and when payment is made that member is automatically deselected from the payment option. Feedback on this please?
Meredith Owens
Dan Pruitt: This post is still on our team's radar but hasn't been developed yet. When we are at the point of being able to implement this, our team will update the post's status, and you'll be notified via email.
What you've described, though, is a payment option setting that needs to be updated. If the "Allow multiple payments per account" setting is selected, even after a payment is submitted, that option will remain available to the user. This would be the same even if the above request is implemented.
We recommend only checking this setting if it's a payment option that a member would need to pay more than once (e.g., monthly dues, quarterly fees, etc.). Instead, if you unselect this option, an account will only be able to pay that payment option once, and then it will no longer be available to them.
John Kilheffer
Upvote here ... need a way to assign payments to targetted groups of individuals. For instance, members can pay online, but can also send a check. Once a member pays, we'd like to remove the payment option from their account (both online and paper check received out of band) so they no longer see it. Likewise, if we assign a payment to a homeowner because of a late fee or violation, we don't want out there for anyone to whom it doesn't apply (we've received numerous inquiries from individuals who sent a check wondering if their payment was received since they still say the payment option on their website account). Also, to be clear, this ability needs to be amendable (add / remove people dynamically) so that once a payment is received (online or out of band) it no longer appears.
Meredith Owens
John Kilheffer: The ability to record check payments and manage that is a bit different than the above open feature request. Instead, that would fall under resident or community management software, which is a different industry than we're currently in.
However, our team is looking into developing those capabilities! Therefore, I've added your vote to that post here:
John Kilheffer
Meredith Owens Yes, I get that ... this is more to be able to have the "payment available" bell not show up for people we know don't have a payment due (which could either be because they paid the online invoice or because we got a check from them -- in which case I simply want to amend who is "seeing" the payment available bell / link -- more as a way to keep people from thinking we didn't see their payment. We're obviously keeping track of the payments / books offline in our accounting records.
Meredith Owens
John Kilheffer: Thank you for clarifying this, John!
Don Johannes
We need a way to block a particular homeowner from using the Online Payment system. E.g., if and when a homeowner's account is turned over to an attorney for collection, the homeowner must make all payments, if any, directly to the attorney and not to the HOA. Today, if we want to restrict one owner from using the online payment system, we have to turn it off for everyone. To be fair to all owners, we need the ability to restrict use of the online payment system on an individual basis.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Group Selection for Online Payments
Valerie Draper
We have multiple groups within our HOA and it would be great to be able to assign Online Payments to specific Groups.
Example: for our pool membership, we have fee for inside residents and different fee amount for outside residents. It would be great to assign online payments to each specific group. Otherwise we are receiving complaints as to why they see fees that do not apply to them. Thanks
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Set online payment amounts for a group
Paul Gould
We tried preset amounts for our online payments this year. People could select the amount they owed and pay it. It was worse than letting each person enter their amount manually. Lots of wrong payment amounts.
I already asked support about setting a single unique payment amount as the only option for each individual member. That is not possible with online payments currently. We haven’t used the groups feature yet, but it seems like this could be the most logical way to develop that functionality. We would like it a lot! To be able to set a fixed assessment amount for everyone in a group.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Select who can make an online payment
Gail Urban
Please consider posting the payment requests only to those groups it was mailed to or creating a place to identify who the payment request is for. I created a test payment request sent only to board members, but all homeowners can see it. Since there are now two payment requests available, it is confusing to the homeowner
Christopher Rosswog
Would love this feature. Don't want to publicly call out who's late on payments via the description or anything - so privately assigning would be ideal.
Elizabeth Chesnutt
Does HOA express have any intention of changing this? We too are confused as to why it is set up this way. We have two sections with different fee amounts and covenants and we do not want them to pay the wrong amount.
Meredith Owens
Elizabeth Chesnutt: Yes, this is a feature request we're still considering! Once our product team updates the status of this request, you'll receive an email letting you know.
In the meantime, labeling the payment options and adding a note that includes who the payment option pertains to should help curb confusion.
Also, if a user accidentally pays the wrong payment option, an administrator can refund their payment from the "Online Payments" section and have them pay again under the correct payment option.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Restrict online payments to certain groups
Lee McCallam
Need the ability for individual payments to be made by certain custom groups only, not available to the entire membership base.
John Vaille
This would simplify overdue annual dues collection. Forcing a payment option on the entire membership when only a few are affected does not make us look too good. I am striving for a professional-looking payment process that increases memberships reliance on online payment.
Steve Crooks
John Vaille: Yes, totally agree with this.
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