Custom tags for classified listings
in progress
Meredith Owens
Give admins the ability to add and remove custom tags for listings added to a "Classifieds" page type.
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Wes Cossick
in progress
Jon Elliott
I am happy this is approved. We would like to use this but cannot at present as Covenants prevent us from listing a few of these categories. Additionally, we would want to to post Lost/Found as a category. Thanks.
Wes Cossick
Lisa Labella
Right now my Board wants to limit to Items for Sale. They are VERY cautious, so forcing the limit (vs. directing through the lead-in text) will be extremely helpful.
Beaver Creek Neighborhood
A lot of HOAs do not allow rental properties drop-down, and having for rent on the drop-down menu is not something that should be displayed. Since each community is unique, it would make more sense to have custom tags so that it can be in sync with the community. Otherwise, this page will go unused.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Classifed page tag listing
Gary Simon
Add "Condo for Sale" to the Tag Listing for a Classified page listing.
Paula Jackson
I agree with those who would like the ability to customaize the tags on the Classifieds page! Or do away with them altogether.
Brad Jordan
Sadly the current set of non-customizable "tags" on your "Classifieds" page prevents us from using that very cool feature.
For our HOA, and I would guess most HOA's, "Homes for Rent" are not something we want to encourage, nor advertise. Likewise, we don't permit any advertising of any "commercial" enterprise in our communications, so the tags "Local Business" and "Service" are also a problem.
Do classified ad "tags" actually provide users a value-added feature? How many HOA's have so many classifed ads that users need to sort them by "tag" to find what they are looking for? For us, the subject line provides enough information without tags.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Classified tags
Terry Heig
Customize classifieds tags
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Customizable tags for classifieds page
David Kass
The ability to customize the classifieds tags for each HOA is needed as not all of the default values apply for each HOA.
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