Allow scheduled email blasts at least 60 days in advance
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Wes Cossick
Mike Klackle
Wes Cossick Excellent, much appreciated. This will be very helpful. Thank you.
Marissa Teepen
I 100% agree. I need to be able to schedule things further in advance. Since my role is a volunteer position, I want to log in 1 time and schedule several things well in advance so I don't have to log in so frequently for things I could have planned out if given the technology ability.
Meredith Owens
Merged in a post:
Scheduling annoucments annually or more than 30 days in advance
Jackie Telford
We have annual reminder announcements that we could like to schedule to go out in designated months.
It would nice to be able to schedule the year's worth all on January 1 or to be able to set them up once as recurring annually.
Now I have them saved as Drafts with a note in title about which month to send them and can only schedule when each one is 30 days ahead of the current date.
Gina Arasin
I agree. I can envision, at the beginning of the year, scheduling regular annual announcements.
Jody Leeds
I would like it to be even longer than that
Meredith Owens
Jody Leeds: What would be an ideal timeframe for you?
Jody Leeds
Meredith Owens thank you for asking but I would love it to have no limit!! But at least a year